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Bad Rap

I personally love the organization Bad Rap! They have done SO much for Pit Bulls! You may remember them by all of the work they did to rescue and rehabilitate the Michael Vick dogs.

Bad Rap Adoption page

Bad Rap is currently having a fundraiser to build a Safety Net for the dogs. Please check out the details here and donate if you can!

Having an American Staffordshire Terrier (AMSTAFF) of my own, I don't think I could get any other dog. Not that I don't like other dogs, but I just have a special place in my heart for Pit Bulls. About 3.5 years ago our first AMSTAFF passed away at the age of 15. She was out of this world! Loved everyone! Cuddled with rabbits and cats and loved belly rubs. And she always made us laugh! Her favorite toy was a bowling ball! I still miss her.

Recently we adopted another AMSTAFF from a family member that rescued him from the streets. He was living in a bamboo thicket at the end of the street. At only 2 years old, he was left out to fend for himself. He quickly fell in love with our family, and we quickly fell in love with him. We wanted to take him home with us to where we lived in Colorado, but because of breed restrictions, we were not able to. So our family kept him with them until we moved. In June of this year, we moved to a little town in Nebraska, and Petey was flown here to live with us. He is such an awesome dude! He is about 6 years old now. We take him out in the nearby fields to run and play. He is not quite sure how to fetch yet. We do most of the running :) But he has fun just-the-same. We recently entered him into the Cutest Dog Contest and took him to Sturgis to campaign. We made posters, buttons, his own website, etc. He met so many people that weekend and he did great! We gave away buttons by the dozens and he posed for numerous pictures. I think one of my favorite parts of the weekend was that nobody was scared of him because of his breed. We talked to many people that have pit bulls of their own. It is a weekend I will never forget!

Being Crafty

I had so much fun today crafting with my friend Bec. We made notepads and post-it note pads. I made the brown & pink one for my mom and the frog & lilypad one for my friend Joan. Bec made the cherry one for me! I am not that good at scrapbooking, stamping, and card making...unless it involves my computer. So this was fun to try something new. Bec has so many stamps, papers, markers, paper punches, etc. I feel like a kid in a candy store when I go over there! I am looking forward to trying journal making next time we get together!

Hanging Out with the Kids

Oh, today was fun! I got to hang out with the goats that were visiting from another farm. They have so much personality! They love getting their picture taken and being pet. The girls have long eyelashes and are very feminine looking.

View more pictures of the kids

Kitties on the Farm

Living in a rural area now has been quite a change for me as far as peoples pets. I always grew up with cat’s as indoor animals. But out here in Nebraska, it seems that most of the cats are outside pets. Many of my friends have cats that just roam the farm, barns and land. They reproduce almost every 6 months, but the population never seems to grow out of control, mainly due to the coyote, owl, and wild animal population. For that reason alone, my kitties will always be inside cats.